Ely Photographic Club - 50th Anniversary Print Exhibition

Ely Photographic Club was formed 50 years ago, and since then have held a number of print exhibitions, many in Ely Cathedral. This is their second show at Babylon Gallery, and now they are returning to celebrate their 50th anniversary with an exhibition of their photographic prints. 

The group is a friendly local club with almost 50 members, all with a passion for photography and with varying levels of experience, and this exhibition features a range of work from several of these members. Exhibited photos will span a number of genres, including abstract, architecture, landscape, portraits and wildlife. 

Prints will be available for purchase, either framed or just mounted, offering something for everyone!


Find out more about Ely Photographic Club here. 
Ely Photographic Club are kindly sponsored by Muse Fine Art Printing.

'Ely Photographic Club - 50th Anniversary Print Exhibition' is open at Babylon Gallery from Tuesday 3rd September until Sunday 29th September 2024.


The gallery is open to the public Tuesday - Sunday, 12 - 4pm.

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