Various Dates
Workshop / Talk Out of School
This summer, Common Ground is teaming up with theatre-makers Coney for a series of creative, playful workshops for 13–18-year-olds across heritage sites in East Anglia! Come and join us for a week of art, gaming and action.
You’ll create new ways to experience a local heritage site, led by your interests. What if a park visit didn’t have to be a picnic, but a giant scavenger hunt? Could you tour a historic house through an escape room rather than with a guide? How would you like to see your local heritage used?
Develop creative thinking and making skills, build confidence, gain experience in the arts and share what matters to you. It’s a great opportunity to get inspired by heritage and try out new and exciting ways of creating. Whether you’re a regular visitor to the sites or you’ve never heard of them, you can get involved – no experience required!
Find out more here.
PlayTest: Peckover - Mon 25th – Fri 29th July
PlayTest: Flag Fen - Mon 1st – Fri 5th August
PlayTest: Carlton Marshes - Mon 8th – Fri 12th August
PlayTest: King’s Lynn - Mon 15th – Fri 19th August
Disclaimer: All digital resources promoted through the Culture Catalogue are entirely the responsibility of the named provider. Babylon ARTS is not responsible for the information supplied by the providers and used on the Culture Catalogue. Babylon ARTS is not responsible for the quality or content of the activities and events that are delivered. Teachers and students should satisfy themselves as to the quality and appropriateness of the activity or event by liaising directly with the provider. All safeguarding, equality, health and safety matters relating to the activities and events are the responsibility of the provider.
