Creative Briefs are a flexible way for young people to learn about working in the creative sector and develop their skills in responding to a professional brief, that is resistant to Covid restrictions that may arise over the coming months.
From Spring 2021, students will be able to respond to one of the 12 briefs, each aligned to a creative industry sub-sector. Each brief will stimulate real-world thinking and will be supported by a short film/Q&As with the industry professionals who set them. The briefs and accompanying interactive sessions are designed to be delivered remotely and in-line with expected Covid restrictions, with the schools’ involvement being supported by Babylon ARTS.
It's expected that the Creative Briefs would be delivered over an 8-week programme (approx. 2 hours per week), that would also include some time spent by the students, researching the particular creative industry sector they’re interested in.
This programme can be completed in school or extracurricular time, and could also compliment home learning. The young people will get the opportunity to work individually, in groups or as a whole class. They will build essential skills through the activity and taking the creative lead in their own project ideas.
The project features:
- A pre-recorded webinar led by a creative professional or organisation followed by a live Q&A - setting of the ‘Brief’
- Live ‘check-ins’ with the lead professional - to allow students to share their ideas
- Flexibility to adapt to schools’/students’ position during this uncertain time.
All resources needed to deliver the Creative Brief will be available as downloads.
Benefits of the project:
- Students increase their understanding and knowledge of the opportunities in the creative sector
- Students build resilience and essential skills such as presenting, problem solving and team work
- It is aligned with the Universal Framework for Essential Skills developed by the Skills Builder Partnership
- Provides a framework for teachers to measure student’s progress and skill development
- Teachers and career advisors gain real-world resources and connections to the creative sector, to support PSHE and careers advice
- Additional enrichment opportunities for students and staff CPD can also be arranged with individual schools. These include the opportunity to take part in ‘Cultural Testers’ – visits to cultural and creative industry partners. ‘Meaningful encounters’ events in school with employers with specialist talks, workshops and practical activities.
For more information, contact
The Culture Catalogue is an online hub of cultural enrichment and creative careers opportunities, for young people, available in Cambridgeshire. This will be an essential tool for young people looking for a career in a creative industry, available here.
Creative & Cultural Futures is a cultural enrichment programme for teachers and students. We want teachers to develop additional skills and knowledge in cultural education to lead culture and creative learning in school and enable young people to develop experiences in the arts, culture and heritage and opportunities for pathways into creative careers.
Creative & Cultural Futures is a cultural enrichment programme, led by Festival Bridge and delivered by Babylon Arts, for teachers and students. The Cultural Briefs project is funded by the Opportunity Area, Festival Bridge and NEACO.