MAP (Music Arts Project) CIC is an arts organisation based in Brandon that offers a range of opportunities to young people.
Since 2013, Babylon ARTS has supported MAP’s development. In 2014 Babylon ARTS managed the ‘MAP – Brandon Development’ project funded by Youth Music and in 2015 Babylon ARTS oversaw the Awards For All ‘Pathways to Success’ program delivered by the MAP team.
We are delighted by the success of the Saturday ‘Gateway’ sessions that were held at the MAP centre. A good quality and consistent branding for MAP activities was created, including banners, flags and MAP T-shirts.
A new website was created
MAP and Babylon ARTS instigated a series of events and workshops around the community to help build community cohesion through musical activites.
Babylon ARTS are delighted with the facility we have been able to help create and the impact it is having in the local community. This project was followed up by the ‘Pathways to Success’ project. For this project young people learnt a variety of skills culminating in the staging of a public performance.
"The ten young people who participated are all pupils following an alternative curriculum. One aim of the project was to boost their self-confidence and self-esteem. Having viewed the portfolios and having listened to them describe the positive effects of the project on them as individuals; I am confident this proved successful." -Simon Smith - Arts Award Moderator